Where is Tennessee located?

Known as the Volunteer State, Tennessee is located in the Southern Region of the United States, more specifically the Southeast. Tennessee is considered part of Appalachia, along with eight surrounding states. As the sixteenth state to join the United States of America back in 1796, Tennessee operates on Eastern Standard Time (EST).

GPS Coordinates and Geographic Center of Tennessee

GPS coordinates are made up of two points. The first point is the angle of latitude and the second point is the angle of longitude. Coordinates assist in the process of locating a particular area on a map. The latitude denotes where the area is in relation to the equator, so it will either be to a northern or southern degree. The longitude refers to the area’s location from east to west. That said, Tennessee’s GPS coordinates are 35.5175° N and 86.5804° W.

Total Area and Points of Extremity

Tennessee has a width of 120 miles and a length of 440 miles. Altogether, this makes for a total area of 42,143 square miles. Of this mileage, about 41,235 miles are comprised of land. The remaining 909 square miles of Tennessee’s surface area is made up of rivers, lakes, and basins. Albeit an inland state, Tennessee has decent access to water sources.

The northernmost point of Tennessee lies along the border between Kentucky and Tennessee. In the south, Tennessee’s furthest point in this direction is a city called East Ridge, very near to the border Tennessee shares with Georgia. To the east, Tennessee’s furthest point is located at 36°36′42.90″ N and 81°38′48.90″ W. The southwest corner of Tennessee is the westernmost point of the state.

Surrounding States of Tennessee

Tennessee is a landlocked state, meaning the Volunteer State is completely surrounded by land. Tennessee shares borders with eight other states. Counter clockwise, from north to east, the following states border Tennessee:

Elevation Levels

The average altitude of Tennessee is approximately 900 feet above sea level. When it comes to the lowest point of elevation, Tennessee is a mere 178 feet above sea level. This point is along the Mississippi River. At the other extreme, the highest point of elevation in Tennessee is Clingmans Dome in the Great Smoky Mountain Range. At an altitude of 6,643 feet above sea level, Clingmans Dome has GPS coordinates of 35.5628° N and 83.4985° W.

State Name
109,153 km²
Area Ranking
Statehood Year
Postal Abbreviation

Tennessee Belongs to the South U.S. Census Region